Stranger Danger – Lessons Alone Don’t Protect Children!

Teaching Skills And Instilling Confidence Are The Best Ways To Prevent Child Abduction!


Worthing Parents And Paediatricians Could Be Doing More To Prevent Child Abductions, Says A New Clinical Report From The American Academy of Paediatrics. Daniel Broughton, M.D., a professor at Mayo Clinic and order director of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children agrees…

“Rather than teaching children to fear strangers, which is at best, woefully inadequate, we need to use positive messages,” says Dr. Broughton. “Children need to learn skills and confidence, not fear and avoidance.”

Dr. Broughton is one of the authors of the recently published American Academy of Paediatrics Clinical Report entitled, “The Paediatricians Role in The Prevention of Missing Children.” The report offers prevention strategies for paediatricians to share with families.

Dr. Broughton says, too often, emphasis is placed on stranger danger.  However, most children reported missing are runaways or were taken by noncustodial parents. Only a small number of children are victims of classical kidnappings, though many are abducted for shorter periods and released.

Most people who perpetrate these crimes on children are not strangers in the eye and mind of the child. It could be a neighbour, a familiar face in the child’s daily routine, or someone the child’s parent knows well enough to greet,” says Dr. Broughton.

According to research conducted by the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, in cases of long-term kidnapping in which the child was found alive, 85 percent of the victims did not consider the kidnapper to be a stranger.

In at least 65 percent of the victims of the cases in which a child was very sadly found dead and the perpetrator identified, it was clear that the child would NOT have considered the person a stranger!

“Those statistics are powerful reasons to teach children a different approach than ‘don’t talk to strangers,'” says Dr.Broughton. “The stranger danger message frightens them without any benefit.”


Child Safety Doesn’t Happen By Accident!

Now is The Time To Do Something! It only takes an instant for a child to be injured, abducted or to become the next statistic. You need to empower your children with “Powerful Knowledge, skills and experiences” to help them learn that they do have the ability to protect themselves and stay safe. Child safety is very much about Empowerment, it is imperative that you find ways to build your child’s confidence. Find programmes and activities that are designed to build your child’s confidence and self-esteem everyday.

One of the best choices for building a child’s confidence and self-esteem is professional martial arts training. These programs are designed to help a child learn and develop special important, life saving self-defense skills while at the same time building their confidence and self-esteem. Consider enrolling your child today in one of these programs as one step to keeping your child safe everyday no matter where they are or what they are doing.


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In just 21 days we will be able to dramatically improve your child’s focus and confidence, giving them the power to stand up to bullies and peer pressure and help them stay SAFE AND get BETTER GRADESImportant: Call us at 01903 200 555 right away because there’s a limit of 15 kids. Or visit us on the web at: